A woman is smiling with her eyes closed and wearing a denim shirt.

Kate Montlack

Director of Operations 
  • B.A., Art History, with minor in Museum Studies, University of Mary Washington; M.A., History of Decorative Arts, Bard Graduate Center 

Kate brings 20 years of museum experience to her role at ICA, including exhibition planning and management, installation oversight, and museum registration. As the Director of Operations, she is the primary client liaison, managing the flow of projects entering and exiting the lab and facilitating client satisfaction. She also is responsible for the physical and environment maintenance of the lab space, making ICA a pleasant place to work for the staff and safe environment for the artwork left in our care. In their free time, Kate and Holly Witchey, ICA’s Executive Director, tour the region as The Gingersnaps, a lively and irreverent vaudeville duo. 

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